Yes, yes, my dear Reader, start twittering this song* because it stays with us till the end of this text. In case it finishes before you, press "replay". And please, don't take me too seriously.
I recently discovered that some of my visitors are foreingers and therefore decided to publish in English every now and then. Don't worry, I'll try not to write more silly things than I do in Polish.
On the other hand, I don't percieve things I write here as silly. Certainly, this is not a high-brow piece of writing, but as long as I like it, it's fine. And I'm not claming to be a second Szymborska.
Speaking of which - I'm really looking forward to seeing a documentary about her tonight. I'm loving the tittle of the movie:"there are moments when life seems bearable" /
"chwilami życie bywa znośne"
"chwilami życie bywa znośne"
What a great sentence! What a deep meaning!
I can't help linking it with Nalepa's "in life only moments are beautiful" /
"w życiu piękne są tylko chwile".
Again - what a great sentence, what a deep meaning.
At a first glance these two seem to be synonyms, to echo each other, but are they?
What about this subtle difference between "bearable" and "beautiful"? Would you like moments in your life to be beautiful or to make it bearable? Is the point of view determined by the age of who's saying?
Is it "bearable" for a 87 year-old, meaning: when all is said and done and "beautiful" for 31 year-old, meaning: life is not a bed of roses but it can be gracious?
I'd rather think about beautiful moments in my life and link them with people I've met, places I've seen, things I've done. Of course, when I find myself in the blue, I close my eyes and think of these moments and then they make my existance - which for some period in time, for some reasons is not a candy-floss - bearable. But then again - I find more strenght than consolation in my beautiful moments.
What about this subtle difference between "bearable" and "beautiful"? Would you like moments in your life to be beautiful or to make it bearable? Is the point of view determined by the age of who's saying?
Is it "bearable" for a 87 year-old, meaning: when all is said and done and "beautiful" for 31 year-old, meaning: life is not a bed of roses but it can be gracious?
I'd rather think about beautiful moments in my life and link them with people I've met, places I've seen, things I've done. Of course, when I find myself in the blue, I close my eyes and think of these moments and then they make my existance - which for some period in time, for some reasons is not a candy-floss - bearable. But then again - I find more strenght than consolation in my beautiful moments.
But getting back and linking everything to the song - who's more unimpressed and who's more in awe? The 87 year-old or the one with beautiful moments? Does life make us unimpressed? Are we getting more unsensible with each passed day? Or is it on the contrary? maybe each passed day makes us more in awe?
There were some things in my life that made me unsensible and I find it to be one of the worst curses life could give me. To some extent, I've become emotionally neutral. There's not much that can stupefy me and not much that can bring me down to my knees. Having that as a perspective, I think that all those beautiful moments I've collected then, make my unsensible life bearable now. It's not that I stopped trying to regain my ability of being amazed. It's more like I'm on the road but I've got no destination. Who knows what can happen on the way...
There were some things in my life that made me unsensible and I find it to be one of the worst curses life could give me. To some extent, I've become emotionally neutral. There's not much that can stupefy me and not much that can bring me down to my knees. Having that as a perspective, I think that all those beautiful moments I've collected then, make my unsensible life bearable now. It's not that I stopped trying to regain my ability of being amazed. It's more like I'm on the road but I've got no destination. Who knows what can happen on the way...
* "Come Undone" by Robbie Williams aka "the man of my life" ;)
Wszystkich tych, dla których angielski nie jest językiem "sprzyjającym" przepraszam. Bywa, że lepiej czuję się pisząc właśnie w tym języku. Aby zrekompensować te nieudogodnienia, wstawiłam kilka swoich najbardziej aktualnych zdjęć.
Wszystkich tych, dla których angielski nie jest językiem "sprzyjającym" przepraszam. Bywa, że lepiej czuję się pisząc właśnie w tym języku. Aby zrekompensować te nieudogodnienia, wstawiłam kilka swoich najbardziej aktualnych zdjęć.